Summer Diary - Traveling in the South of France

First destination - The Riviera
I realised I was finally on vacation as the turquoise sea and La Côte D'Azur appeared through the clouds:


These first days of our holiday, we stayed in the little hillside village called Roquebrune.
It's near the boarder to Italy and it takes only a short walk to get to Monaco. Our hotel had an amazing view of this bright turquoise sea and the many luxurious yachts floating nearby the ports of Monte Carlo. Just below our residence, was a calm, little beach where we treated ourself to some super comfortable sunbeds, and relaxed with a book and glass of rosé wine (which quickly turned into a bottle). And then we occasionally dived into the big waves of the Mediterranean sea to cool down in the heat. I would say, that chilling out, getting a tan and swimming were our main priorities to start with. But the next days to come, were spent exploring the beauty of the french coast and the charm of the countryside in Provence..